Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:15 AM

15.3 mi


19.4 mi / hr


Felt F75


183 lb
159 bpm
163 bpm
50 bpm


68 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


0:50:03.0 0:50:03.0 AVG HR 151 CADENCE: 90

workout AVG HR 151

Bike part of BRICK workout. I wanted to get this in so badly today. I went to bed very late and a minor snafu with my alarm clock caused me to wake up at 6:45, much later than when I wanted to be awake. So, I got up and out and started the brick. I wanted this week's brick(s) to be hard effort in preparation for next week's TRI. So, I pushed pretty hard on the ride. I am still not happy with how fast I am riding. I think it is just going to take time and a whole lot more effort on the bike in order to get fast. It was a good ride, just not as quick as I wanted it to be.

Sleep: not good (in bed at 2:00am, woke up at 6:45am)

Mood: angry

Physical: legs were sore and tired

Clothes: black Zoot tri shorts, green RRS shortsleeve (hot)
