Run: Medium (150bpm) Previous Next


9:00 AM

8 mi


9:44 mi


185 lb
153 bpm
169 bpm
50 bpm


84 F


9 / 10
7 / 10


09:26.0 0:09:26.0 AVG HR 135

09:20.0 0:18:46.0 AVG HR 149

10:07.0 0:28:53.0 AVG HR 151

09:30.0 0:38:23.0 AVG HR 154

09:55.0 0:48:18.0 AVG HR 156

10:15.0 0:58:32.0 AVG HR 157

09:46.0 1:08:19.0 AVG HR 159

09:31.0 1:17:50.0 AVG HR 163

workout AVG HR 153

Long run today. Longest run in a very long time. I need to step up my training and get some longer runs in, and start actually trying to meet the training schedule for the Tri-CC. This run definitely is a big boost for fitness. I thought at about the 3 mile mark that I was going to cut it short and only do 6 miles, but I decided to soldier on and finish the whole planned 8 miles. The first three miles weren't too bad, I was just feeling the effects of riding 30 miles yesterday. The next three miles weren't so easy. Since it was 84º outside and about 100% humidity, it really started to affect me after the fourth mile. Then the hill just before the fifth mile wiped me out. I was pretty much dragging myself home in the last two miles. By then I was WAY too hot and no amount of slowing down was lowering my HR. So I just kept the decent pace I was on and made it home. It turned out to be a great run, just long, tiring and WAY too HOT.

Sleep: good (bed at 1:30am, awake at about 8:30am)

Mood: good

Physical: legs were a little tired

Clothes: dark blue Nike shorts, yellow livestrong shortsleeve shirt, red FleetFeet hat (WAY HOT and SWEATY)
