Bike: Easy Previous Next


11:30 AM

40.8 mi


17.78 mi / hr


Felt F75


178 lb
147 bpm
158 bpm
47 bpm


82 F


5 / 10
6 / 10


Average speed was 17.7

A new course, a bit longer than usual. The greater portion of the course was on roads I have ridden on many times, Routes 65 and 64, but I went further south all the way to Route 5 before I turned around. The long gradual hills make this kind of a tough route, but it hits you slow. I am trying to up my mileage, so this was a bit longer than I am used to. I felt like I was riding into the wind for the first half, then I turned from Route 5 onto Route 64 and found that that was an illusion, because NOW I was riding into the wind. That made the ride home a little tougher than usual. From that turn to home is pretty much down-hill, but today it wasn't that easy or fast, because of the wind. I'm blaming the wind, but I was also pretty tired. I got to around mile 35 and pretty much ran out of gas. The last five miles I pretty much just dragged my ass home. It was a good ride no matter what, in great weather.
