Bike: Long Previous Next


10:30 AM

30.6 mi


17.93 mi / hr


Felt F75


187 lb
149 bpm
164 bpm
50 bpm


76 F


5 / 10
9 / 10


Time: 1:42:20, Distance: 30.58, average speed: 17.93

Temp: 76° AVG HR: 149, MAX: 164

LONG ride today. No longer than I have done in the past couple weeks, but longer total mileage this week. Feels good. Definitely seems a bit easier to go just about any distance anymore. And what made it even easier today was the fact that it was GORGEOUS outside. Clear skies, 76º and virtually NO wind. Perfection. I felt really good on the bike today too. I didn't try to push it too hard, but tried to keep my pace up a little better on some of the more difficult parts. Hills are still kind of a killer for me, but its getting better. It's not quite so painful anymore. Great ride!!

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:30pm, wake at 7:30am; Slept outside in the tent with Bub!!!)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Nashbar LQ8 shorts, DeMarchi sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (excellent)
