Bike: Long Previous Next


9:45 AM

49.2 mi


17.11 mi / hr


Felt F75


182 lb
49 bpm


85 F


5 / 10
7 / 10


Time: 2:52:26, Distance: 49.17, average speed: 17.11

Temp: 73º at start, 85° at end AVG HR: ???, MAX: ??? (HR monitor is out for checkout and a new battery)

LONG ride today. I am trying to do everything I possibly can to try to boost my bike fitness. Today I think takes the cake. Almost 50 mile ride. I had planned a 46 mile ride, but when I got up past Seabreeze to the swing bridge, I realized that in the summer you can't get across. SON OF A... Well, there goes that route plan. So, I had to take a minute and figure out where else to go. So I decided to stick to the shore and rode back through Durand Eastman Park and then up along the lake past Charlotte. This part up by the lake was a bit of a bitch because there was no protection from the wind. It was basically directly in my face and blowing at about 20-25mph. Nice. My pace was pretty slow in this portion due to the wind. Then the trip up Long Pond road from the lake was not much better, because it was a slow steady climb. Not much of a climb at all, but just constant. And the road pretty much SUCKED to ride on because there was NO shoulder, only a curb, and there were 4 lanes of traffic. I hate the town of Greece. I was thinking of riding down and around the airport, but decided to take the Canal Path instead. This worked out very well because I know it like the back of my hand and except for a couple street crossings, it was pretty constant riding for about 12 miles. This was one of the better rides I have been on, because I didn't care about anything but miles (at least until I hit the Canal Path, then I turned on the gas and rode pretty hard). A great ride.

Sleep: good, but not long enough (bed at 12:30pm, wake at 7:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Nashbar LQ8 shorts, white Asics sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (nice)
