Bike: Tempo Previous Next


6:15 AM

14.7 mi


19.73 mi / hr


Felt F75


182.5 lb
158 bpm
165 bpm
48 bpm


70 F


9 / 10
8 / 10


0:44:50.0 0:44:50.0 AVG HR 155 CADENCE: 95

workout AVG HR 155

Bike part of BRICK workout. This workout was a fast, high energy, medium distance workout, concentrating mostly on speed. I was trying to do this ride as fast as I could, to get a bit of speed practice in. I did pretty well, but once again the section between Mt. Hope and University killed me. This section is littered with traffic lights and it breaks up my pace. I did pretty well despite that, but I still feel it could be faster. The section up to Mt. Hope went pretty well. I was working pretty hard, but the avg speed up to there was where I wanted it to be. I ended up doing the route faster than I ever have, which is good. I will keep working on longer rides and faster distances to try to make improvements to my riding.

I was really not interested in practicing the transition, so I just took my time. I also did not have the Yankz in my shoes so I knew it would be messy and slow.It took me 2 minutes and 3 seconds before I was started running.

Sleep: eh (in bed at 12:30am, woke up at 5:40am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Zoot tri shorts, green RRS shortsleeve (OK, shirt was just plain annoying on the ride though, I'm thinking it needs to be retired)
