Run: Tempo (165-170) Previous Next


6:45 AM

3 mi


8:05 mi


183.5 lb
49 bpm


76 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


08:22.0 0:08:22.0 AVG HR ???

07:57.0 0:16:19.0 AVG HR ???

07:54.0 0:24:13.0 AVG HR ???

workout AVG HR ??? (HR monitor is still out for checkout and battery)

Run portion of the BRICK for this morning. This one was intended to be fast. I am trying to do two things. Run faster and run though the "wall". I know that this wall I speak of is not the wall that most people talk about in running marathons. I am trying to run past the tired, sore I-don't-want-to-go-any-faster-or-further feeling. I know I can run faster. I just have to teach myself HOW to do it. So today, I wasn't taking any prisoners, pulling any punches, etc. It took about a half-mile to get my legs under me after the ride. This I am going to have to get used to and just tough it out. The second mile I knew I could run faster, so I pushed. Then the third mile I just tried to keep the pace, if not go just a bit faster, cause I always do in the last mile. I was not disappointed today. After running somewhat slower than I wanted to in the first mile, I did much better than I thought I would in the second and third. SO, it turned out very good.

Sleep: (second workout)

Mood: (second workout)

Physical: (second workout)

Clothes: (second workout)
