Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:30 AM

21.3 mi


16.07 mi / hr


193 lb
153 bpm
47 bpm


71 F


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 42:12, Distance: 10.632, average speed: 15.1

Temp: 48° AVG HR: 155, MAX: 189

Abby actually suggested I do this today. I wasn't going to, because of Nonnie being in town and Abby recovering from her Tonsilectomy, but... It took forever to get out of the house this morning. I thought I had it all prepared, but it seemed like nothing was done. I got out eventually. It was pretty chilly this morning (48°), but really clear and sunny. Again, I found my legs to just not be as strong as I expected. I tried to just take it easy and get there eventually, but I found myself wanting to go faster and ended up pushing it a little harder than I wanted to. I got passed by a guy on a road bike, and I tried to keep up with him for a while, and I was doing it, but my HR was a little high, so I backed off. He was going 3-4 mph faster than I wanted to go. I am not sure I believe the MAX my HR monitor gave, but it definitely was in the 160's for quite some time. I have to do this more often. I need to get back to being able to do this without effort.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 37:23, Distance: 10.691, average speed: 17.16

Temp: 71° AVG HR: 151, MAX: 209

The ride home was a lot easier than the ride in to work. The weather was beautiful, so it felt really good to ride with the nice light breeze. It was obvious that the home leg was down hill. I had no problem keeping my speed up, while also keeping my HR down a fair amount lower. I think I had a harder time trying to keep my HR down on the way home, because it was actually easier, so I wanted to see how fast I could maintain. I pushed myself a little bit, but not too much. It felt good at the end. Definitely tired, but not excessive. I did well overall and I want to do it more often.

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:30pm)

Mood: excited to ride today, but aggravated by every little delay

Physical: no issues, just felt weak

Clothes: (to work) shorts, NewBalance black longsleeve, PearlIzumi jacket

(back home) shorts, green short-sleeve shirt
