Bike: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

5.1 mi


19.46 mi / hr


Felt F75


182.5 lb
158 bpm
166 bpm
46 bpm


70 F


9 / 10
8 / 10


0:15:36.0 0:15:36.0 AVG HR 158 CADENCE: 95-100

workout AVG HR 158

Bike part of BRICK workout. This workout was a fast, high energy, short distance workout, concentrating mostly on speed. This was the first of two bike rides. This one was meant to be hard effort with a later one to be faster, negative split. I ended up riding this pretty fast, which seems right based on the amount of effort I put into it.

Transition practice was next, but I was not interested in making too much out of this. I was not in a rush, I just wanted to do it and get used to the process. I was able to park the bike, change my shoes, remove helmet and put hat on in 53 seconds, which is good for not trying to go quickly.

Sleep: not good (in bed at 11:30pm, woke up at 6:15am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Zoot tri shorts, red RRS shortsleeve (OK)
