Bike: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

32.6 mi


19.08 mi / hr


Felt F75


43 bpm


Time: 1:42:22, Distance: 32.55, average speed: 19.09

Temp: 68° AVG HR: ??, MAX: ??

Same "long" ride today as the last few days I have ridden. I didn't really have the energy for a super intense workout today, I just wanted a familiar route to work on consistency. That didn't work out too well, as I turned onto North Landing towards Ellison Park, which is not the route that this course takes me. So, I added 2.5 miles to the route and also a HUGE hill climb early in the ride. I tried to make the best of it along the way, working to simply level the effort. I worked the hills, but not really very hard, and I tried to give a good effort in the flats, but again, not racing. Overall, I was tired today and didn't really have much energy. I did my best to push through to the end to try to keep my average pace up above 19mph. This was a good ride, but kind of in the category of "junk miles".

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:00am, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: tired

Clothes: Nashbar Tecumseh shorts, DeMarchi sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (perfect)
