Run: Moderate(155bpm) Previous Next


6:45 AM

6.1 mi


8:23 mi


182 lb
153 bpm
167 bpm
46 bpm


64 F


6 / 10
7 / 10


08:16.0 0:08:16.0 AVG HR 136

07:54.0 0:16:10.0 AVG HR 155

08:38.0 0:24:48.0 AVG HR 158

08:23.0 0:33:11.0 AVG HR 156

08:44.0 0:41:55.0 AVG HR 157

08:27.0 0:50:22.0 AVG HR 157

(07:14.0) 0:51:06.0

workout AVG HR 153

A moderate effort run today. I didn't want to go real fast, but I did want to push it a little bit, on a longer route to get a measure of how I was doing, and tire myself out a little. I started out a little too fast, and by the second mile marker I was really cooking. Then the hill hit me, pretty hard and gave me a dose of reality. It put me in back in check and I proceeded on a decent effort pace from there. I have been noticing that the split times for each mile seem to be WAY off on this particular course. I finally re-plotted the course map and found that my markers for mile 3 thru 6 were off by a lot. I needed to adjust mile 3 down by 23 seconds, mile 4 and 5 down by 46 seconds and mile 6 down by 44 seconds. The course ends up being 6.1 miles long also. This will make a huge difference to a lot of my runs. I knew something was wrong. I really could not believe that mile 3 was just THAT MUCH slower than 1 & 2. So, at the end, as usual, the last mile I pushed a little more, just because. No problem. An very good run.

Sleep: good (bed at 11:30am, awake at about 6:30am)

Mood: good

Physical: IT band was very sore and shins were very tight also

Clothes: dark blue Nike shorts, Tri-in-the-Buff shirt, red FleetFeet hat (perfect)
