Bike: Long Previous Next


8:45 AM

28.6 mi


18.64 mi / hr


Felt F75


180 lb
147 bpm
166 bpm
46 bpm


62 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


Time: 1:32:04, Distance: 28.60, average speed: 18.64

Temp: 62º at start AVG HR: 147, MAX: 166

LONG ride today. The idea was to ride to Canandaigua lake, go swimming and then ride home. A wonderful idea, in theory. I have never tried something so bold. The ride alone would be more miles than I have done in a single day, in decades (without exaggeration). The start of the ride was a bit chilly, as it was still pretty early and it was only 59º when I woke up. That made for a nice cold first few miles. I quickly got over this as I worked up a sweat. The other thing about this route, besides the overall length, was the fact that the first 18 miles of 28 would be generally uphill. I made every effort to push myself up the hills as best I could. But despite my best efforts, I only managed about 17mph in this section. The good thing was that at about this point I turned onto routes 5&20 and headed downhill and had a tailwind. This part was fun! I sustained about 35mph in multiple points in the last 10 miles of the route. This pushed the avg speed up to 18.6 overall. Nice!!

Sleep: good, but not long enough (bed at 12:30pm, wake at 7:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Pearl Izumi Tri shorts, black DeMarchi sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (nice)
