Bike: Easy Previous Next


11:30 PM

13.6 mi


20.4 mi / hr


Felt F75


180.5 lb
144 bpm
45 bpm


5 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


0:40:00.0 0:40:00.0 AVG HR 144 CADENCE: 85-90

workout AVG HR 144

My second ride on the bike this year. This time a little better, because I actually had a new battery in the cycle computer, so I know that the distance is correct. I just tried to slog through it today and get in the duration. It was fairly uncomfortable, like I haven't been on the bike in a while (duh). I did the first 5-10 minutes or so kind of easy, just trying to keep my legs going, then kicked it up a notch trying to shoot for 85-90 cadence for 10-12 minutes. This was a bit faster. Then I shifted to a faster gear and tried to keep it at the same cadence for the next 10-12 minutes. This got me to about 37 minutes, so I just coasted the rest of the way. Not a bad workout, just going to take some getting used to again. The aero-bars are also going to be something a little interesting.

Sleep: ?

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Nashbar cycle-shorts, red RRS shortsleeve (hot and sweaty)
