Bike: Tempo Previous Next


8:15 PM

20.6 mi


18.8 mi / hr


Felt F75


192.5 lb
152 bpm
164 bpm
50 bpm


63 F


4 / 10
9 / 10


Time: 1:05:38, Distance: 20.56, average speed: 18.8

Temp: 63° AVG HR: 152, MAX: 164

Almost missed a workout today. Would have been the first off day in almost two weeks. Wouldn't want to break the trend!! I decided to get on the bike after dinner, and DAMN I'm glad I did. Weather was perfect for an evening ride! Clear and 63º is just about the perfect biking conditions. I knew time was going to be short and I would only have about an hour, so I decided to push it and do the 20 mile loop using mostly the canal path. This route is pretty easy and mostly flat, so I knew I could fly. That and the fact that I was feeling pretty energetic resulted in a very quick ride. This is going to be my "speed workout" from now on. I managed to catch green lights for most of the road intersections, which made it very nice too! By far the best ride in a very long time. Lots of fun!!

Sleep: yuck (bed at 2:30am, wake at 7:45am)

Mood: tired

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Trek shorts liner, red RRS shortsleeve, bike gloves (perfect)
