Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:00 PM

9.8 mi


15.12 mi / hr


Felt F75


195 lb
134 bpm
155 bpm
50 bpm


60 F


3 / 10
10 / 10


0:39:03.0 0:39:03.0 AVG HR 134 CADENCE: 85

workout AVG HR 134

Tri-CC bike part of BRICK workout. They called it "Transition 101" but it wasn't much about the transition. It was more about just getting a brick workout in. Riding in a group was a little difficult. I am not used to riding with anyone, let alone that many people all together. Since there were so many people we were also riding at a very relaxed pace. This is also something new for me. I didn't know what to do with myself and found myself coasting A LOT. I think the 'no drafting' think about triathlons is going to be really difficult to implement. I learned some very good etiquette though. It was a nice ride.

Sleep: garbage (in bed at 12:30am, woke up at 7:15am)

Mood: good (because the workout was so late in the day

Physical: left calf muscle was sore, not so bad after the ride though

Clothes: Trek bike shorts liner, red RRS shorts, yellow livestrong shortsleeve, blue Pearl Izumi jacket (fine, but would have been hot if we worked any harder than the leisurely pace we were riding)
