Bike: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

14.7 mi


19.15 mi / hr


Felt F75


182 lb


76 F


9 / 10
4 / 10


0:46:07.0 0:46:07.0 AVG HR ??? CADENCE: 95-100

workout AVG HR ???

Bike part of BRICK workout. I wanted the bike portion of this brick to be hard effort to try to shoot for some extra speed. So, I pushed pretty hard and tried to keep my cadence at or above 95. This is getting frustrating. I probably need to be more patient with it and concentrate on riding more and more and more instead of constantly trying to gauge progress so quickly. It is just going to take time and a whole lot more effort to get fast. The ride in general was good, but I am getting a little annoyed with the section of the route in Genesee Valley park, up the river and through the section of the city on Mt. Hope and Alexander. Since they are doing construction on Mt. Hope it's kind of a nightmare to try to ride on that and it threw me off my pace a lot. After that, going up Alexander and then down University I was stopping at just about every traffic light, which really messes with my pace also. I found the AVG speed slowed by about 0.1mph at every traffic light. It would go back up in the sections between, but not enough, so it was constantly going down. My pace up to about the Ford Street Bridge was almost 19.6 and by the time I completed the loop it was down to 19.15. That's TERRIBLE. I think I need to find a better, long, straight route to do my speed work on. Maybe I need to do an 'out-and-back' just on the canal path.

Sleep: decent (in bed at 11:00pm, woke up at 5:45am)

Mood: sluggish, tired

Physical: eh

Clothes: black Zoot tri shorts, red Zoot sleeveless (HOT)
