Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

25.2 mi


18.73 mi / hr


Felt F75


183 lb
49 bpm


74 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


Time: 1:20:41, Distance: 25.19, average speed: 18.73

Temp: 74° AVG HR: ???, MAX: ??? (HR monitor is out for checkout and a new battery)

Trying to get out and ride more. This would be my second ride of the week. Doing the rides before work I am limited a bit on how far I can go, so I kept this one to 25 miles. I would have like to have done a bit more, but I think this will work. I definitely felt the effect of working a bit harder on the bike and the runs over the course of the last few days. My legs felt very heavy and weak today. BUT I was able to push through it and ride pretty quick through this loop. I am still a little confused at how I could be this slow, but it's gaining little by little. I tried to work up the hills, but not at all-out effort levels, and I tried to keep the pace up on the flat and downhill, but again, not all-out effort. I also noticed that if I could keep my cadence up at 95-105 my pace going up the hills was SIGNIFICANTLY faster and also felt A LOT easier. It was a little difficult keeping that cadence though. All in all this was a very good ride.

Sleep: good, but not long enough (bed at 12:30pm, wake at 6:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: legs were tired

Clothes: Nashbar LQ8 shorts, DeMarchi sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (hot)
