Bike: Long Previous Next


9:45 AM

30.4 mi


18.55 mi / hr


Felt F75


178 lb
151 bpm
173 bpm
43 bpm


73 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


Time: 1:38:26, Distance: 30.43, average speed: 18.55

Temp: 73° AVG HR: 151, MAX: 173

Long ride today. Well, not really that long but the only ride for the week, so it seemed long. Bad week for getting out and doing stuff. I was just plain tired all week, but I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to do something this morning. I had no intentions for this being a stellar ride, neither fast or hard. I tried to work the hills as much as I could and try to keep my speed at a minimum 13mph going up the hills. I did a pretty good job of doing that. I am usually dipping down to 11-12 on these hills, so this seems like an improvement. Small, but improving. Other than that I did not work very hard on this ride at all. I kind of coasted down most of the hills and the flats and false-flats I just kind of 'rode', not working too hard. My average speed kind of suffered because of it, but wasn't too terrible. Not a bad ride overall.

Sleep: decent (bed at 1:30am, wake at 8:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: tired

Clothes: Nashbar Tecumseh shorts, black DeMarchi sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (perfect)
