Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

5.2 mi


19.84 mi / hr


Felt F75


180 lb
143 bpm
156 bpm
46 bpm


65 F


4 / 10
6 / 10


0:15:40.0 0:15:40.0 AVG HR 143 CADENCE: 95-100

workout AVG HR 143

Bike part of BRICK workout. This workout was a fast, high energy, short distance workout, concentrating mostly on speed. This was the first of two bike rides. This one was meant to be decent effort, but trying NOT to work too hard. The later one is to be faster, negative split. I ended up riding this pretty fast, which was not the intent. I was not down in the drops, I didn't really put forth much effort, I was just fast.

Transition practice was next. This time I set up a saw-horse in the garage with a towel for my shoes and things to try to mimic race conditions as much as possible. I was trying to be as quick as possible, but deep down I wasn't really trying too hard. I was able to park the bike, change my shoes, remove helmet and put hat on in 56 seconds, which isn't real quick.

Sleep: eh (in bed at 12:30pm, woke up at 6:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Zoot tri shorts, red Zoot sleeveless (nice)
