Swim: Pool Previous Next


8:00 AM

2000 yd


1:45 / 100yd


185.5 lb


6 / 10
6 / 10
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<No name>


2x200 EASY Warm up

4x100 GOOD PACE on 1:40, split on 1:25

4x100 GOOD PACE on 1:40, split on 1:25

100 EASY

1x500 GOOD PACE split on 7:20

200 EASY cool down

First time in a pool since the last TRI-CC swim session. I have pretty much fallen right off the radar here. The Kershaw Park open water swims are good, but I only did that once. Hopefully I can make that a habit to boost my swim workouts. Anyway, I felt really good in the warm up today, but that quickly faded as the fatigue from the 5 mile run this morning was creeping up fast. I did pretty well for not having done much swimming, but it was a bit discouraging. A good workout all things being equal, I just need to get up earlier so that I don't have to rush through it and cut things short. I got in the pool at 8:10 and the pool closes at 8:45. Didn't give me much time to get a bit workout in. Oh well, what I did was good.

Sleep: meh (bed at 11:30am, wake at 6:30)

Mood: tired

Physical: tired
