Run: Easy (145bpm) Previous Next


6:00 AM

4 mi


10:10 mi


188 lb
145 bpm
165 bpm
50 bpm


64 F


3 / 10
8 / 10


10:04.0 0:10:04.0 AVG HR 131

10:22.0 0:20:27.0 AVG HR 146

10:01.0 0:30:28.0 AVG HR 148

10:11.0 0:40:40.0 AVG HR 153

workout AVG HR 145

no Aidan no Stroller

no Greta

I actually woke up and wanted to run today, although I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted a nice easy run today, nothing special. I got that. At the beginning I felt nice and loose and easy and I never really felt tired or overworked. I had no issue with HR, it was pretty easy to maintain the 'easy' and my pace didn't fall off the face of the earth like usual. My form felt pretty good today too. A good run.

Sleep: OK (bed at 12:30am, woke up at 5:45am)

Mood: complacent

Physical: still a little stiff and sore from the weekend "bounce-house" adventure

Clothes: red RRS shorts, yellow 'firecracker' shortsleeve, red Nike hat (perfect, but sweaty)
