Run: Easy (145bpm) Previous Next


6:30 AM

3 mi


10:37 mi


197 lb
147 bpm
163 bpm
52 bpm


43 F


3 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


10:23.0 0:10:23.0 AVG HR 134

10:52.0 0:21:16.0 AVG HR 152

10:34.0 0:31:50.0 AVG HR 155

workout AVG HR 147

Woke up and didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Grrrr. Reluctantly I rose and got dressed, stretched and made it out. I was feeling still pretty tired when I started, so I decided this was going to be a SLOW day. I started out nice and easy and surprise surprise, my HR was actually in control. It stayed that way pretty much through the first mile and a half to two miles. By the end of two it was a little higher than I wanted it, but I was still able to back down and keep it from going through the roof. AMAZING. Naturally, I was running at a snails pace, but I so don't care, because this is a huge step forward. I got through the three miles and felt pretty good, like I could do a bit more, but well, I not today. Just me, no tunes, no nothing today. A good run!

Sleep: crap (bed at 1:00am, wake at 6:00am)

Mood: grrrrrrrr

Physical: muscles were a little tight

Clothes: light blue Nike shorts, yellow livestrong shortsleeve shirt, red Asics, red hat (perfect)
