Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:30 AM

8.6 mi


17.1 mi / hr


Felt F75


199 lb
54 bpm


2 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


30:00.0 0:30:00.0 AVG HR ??? CADENCE: 85

workout AVG HR ???

30 minute ride on stationary trainer in basement. Today I wanted to make good on the cadence thing. Yesterday was 65rpm and just isn't going to cut it for the long run. So I tried to kick it up a notch today and try to ride at 85-90rpm the whole time, while trying to keep my effort to a minimum. This meant kicking it into a low gear and just spinning like mad. It felt like I was going WAY TOO FAST. I guess it will for a bit until I get a hang of the routine of it. I'm gonna stick with 85-90rpm for a while and gradually try to put in some faster spins.

Sleep: decent, verging on good (bed at 11:00pm, woke up at 5:35am)

Mood: eager and complacent at the same time

Physical: OK, no issues

Clothes: orange Pearl-Izumi shorts, blue ASICS shortsleeve (right temp, really sweaty)
