Run: Rolling Hills Previous Next


9:00 AM

8 mi


117.5 lb


65 F


5 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map

Big Ridge


Disaster Day! Went up to Big Ridge with John and Zephyr. Everything seemed to be pointing to a wonderful morning out on the trail and it really did start out great. We saw a largish herd of wild pigs almost immediately. z was so excited by this and truthfully so was I.

After the first mile I went ahead and the plan was for each of us to go out 1 hour and then turn around to go back. I didn't feel the pinch in my leg at first and my pace was good and it looked like it was going to be a piece of cake to get in more than 10 in the timeframe. At mile 3.75 though I felt a terrible stab right above my ankle and then hobbled a bit further before deciding to turn back. When I figured out I was really and truly crippled I didn't even know if I was going to be able to get back. When I got to John he just walked all the way back with me.

Post-script: leg was terribly swollen and bruised by night and too painful to even walk on. Quelle horreur! :(

Post-post script: saw a bobcat cross the road on the way down the hill.
