Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8 mi


145 lb
  • Map

Luce line


Great, solo fartlek today, squeezed in between thunderstorms.

Maple Grove ski practice was cancelled this morning, as I predicted it would be. Can't rollerski in thunderstorms.

I worked on school stuff for the entirety of the morning and early afternoon, and then finally the weather cleared out a bit and I headed out to get in a great run around 2.

With no previous skiing in the day, my legs felt fresh and happy to be running. I wasn't wearing my GPS watch, but the luce line has mile markers on it, so I split a couple times just because I was curious.

I warmed-up for about 4 miles, keeping things slow, aware of the pounding I've put myself through the last couple weeks. I came through 4 in 30:40, so 7:40's, and felt like I was constantly trying to slow things down while my legs felt happy and springy. It was a good feeling.

I let the next two miles roll just a little bit more, still not trying to push it too much, and the split for the 2 was 14:40, so 7:20's, ish. Again, it felt incredibly easy, and when I turned for home, I decided to just let it go. The last two were 13:50, so 6:55's, and effortless. I was surprised at how good I felt today, given the last couple days, but I wasn't going to argue. I ran fit and happy, and it was great.

Part of the reason I didn't want to explicitly push is because I'm in my running down time right now, and will be for the next two weeks still. I've made the mistake before of not taking that time seriously because I don't feel like I need it in the moment, and then regretting it later. That's what I don't want to do. However, when I think about it, it was only 8 miles, only about 3 of them were any sort of work, and overall my 15 miles over the last 3 days is not going to upset the running Gods in the grand scheme of things I don't think. I'm not going to worry about it.


Emma Spoon

Way to be productive (Go Ms. Pierson!!) and way to enjoy a great run!

Maggie P

Ms. Pierson still sounds so weird. Gotta get used to that.