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15 mi

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<No name>


I was excited/anxious for this workout, and anticipating it all week. And I’m glad to say I’m happy with how it went. Goal was 3x3 miles at half marathon pace. And tentative pace thought was ~6:28.

Only bummer is I was forced inside. I know I know, it seemed like a crime against humanity to run inside on a beautiful day like today. However, last night during the last two miles of my easy run my calf started cramping pretty good. I debated stopping with 2 miles to go and asking anders to run home and come get me, but it loosened up a bit and I was able to finish. Didn’t do strides last night because of it, however. Hobbled around the house last night, and anders massaged it and beat it up a little bit, and put some muscle rub on it. This morning when I woke up it was really tight and sore, so I pushed the run to the afternoon, did some eccentric calf exercises, and it definitely loosened up throughout the day. Even then, I wasn’t sure how it would hold up for a run, let alone a long run with 9 miles at half pace. So I drove to LA fitness, did my warm up and strides outside, and then went inside to do the workout so that if I had to I could just step off the treadmill and not be 6 miles from home with nobody to come get me.

Pieces felt like about the right effort. Got pretty hard, but do-able. And 4 minutes of recovery between each set was glorious. Had a gel in between the second and third sets, and I think that helped a lot too.

It was good grinding practice, I just really wish I would have been able to do it outside. But I’m also glad I was able to do it all- because last night and this morning I wasn’t exactly confident. Trade offs.

Easy warm up, strides

6:35, 6:31, 6:31

6:31, 6:29, 6:28

6:31, 6:29, 7:27


Emma Spoon

Great work! You are building some incredible fitness...and an 80 mile week?!?! DANG!