Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

6.5 mi


38 F
  • Map


Plan today is 2Mile/2Mile/1.5M with 5 min recovery run following first interval then 4 min recovery run prior to third interval. Wanting to hold approx 10K pace on all repeats and using several hills on course to increase difficulty and simulate rolling hills course. Approx half of first mile into wind today.

Bram is running a tempo run after his PR effort on the 10+K course yesterday.

#1: 2 mile in 6:03/5:53 (11:56) then .57 miles recovery jog in 5:01

#2: 2 mile in 6:05/5:55 (12:00) then .43 miles recovery jog in 4:00 (stopped to talk for 20 seconds)

#3: 1.49 mile in 5:56/2:46(5:42 pace) for elapsed time of 8:42
