Run: Long Previous Next


7:15 AM

5.5 mi


7:37 mi


78 F
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Overcast and rainy in the area. Many people running this morning and several people either biked long or ran 5K races yesterday.

Drills and 3 striders for warmup of .62 miles then into some long repeats. Not sure how much I will do but going to try to get in 10 miles total.

2.35 miles with 2 mile splits of 6:47/6:16 (13:02) then .35 mile recovery jog in 3:00

2.55 miles with 2 mile splits of 6:26/6:16 (12:42) then began to feel "twinges" in bottom of L foot as I was starting the recovery jog. WTF. Decided enough is enough.

*Basically going to have to decide this week if I am going to have to completely shut down my running for a few weeks. If I continue to have any L foot pain going to do it. Will not run again until Wed and see how the foot/groin respond.

Big get together under the picnic area after the run today and had some good laughs talking about a variety of topics. Looks like everyone is getting serious about their summer training.

Computed approx 14.5 on the cross-training activities for the week.
