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8:00 AM

5 km


5:49 mi


67 F
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Nice field of runners and canines for the Furry 5K race. Starts and ends at Mo Running Co.

Course is a loop for the first mile with three pretty significant hills during the initial 3/4 mile then, except for some gentle inclines/declines, mostly flat for the last 2.3 miles of the race.

Crowd includes Andy J, Joe W, Ross McF, Paul S and Doug A. Several of these guys have raced either Thurs or last night at various distances. Don't see any of my HS rabbits in the field but Brock K is on the inside of the first row. Settle into the second row behind Doug A and his dog and JW who is pacing Laura S to a post-baby PR in the 5K.

Wanting to go out at just above 6 flat pace for the first 3/4 of a mile then ramp it up as we move off the hills. Realize early on the field this year is going out much more conservatively as we don't have the HS track boys sprinting out. I am in 6-8 position as we near the turn to go into the subdivision and, as the pace is conservative enough, move through a couple of people and settle into the lead as we come through the first 200m of the course. Hold it right at 6:00 through the hills and happy with my discipline. However, much easier to do when no one is pulling you up the hills.

Hit the mile one mark at 5:56 garmin and 5:57 clock time and have started to bump up the pace through the second mile. Hit the two mile mark at 11:43 for a 2 mile split of 5:47. As I go around the small circle portion prior to coming back onto the trail I don't see anyone but not 100% sure who is behind me. As I come thru the 2 mile mark I pick up my speed through the 2.5 mile portion of the race then cruise it into the finish; I would guess the last half of my third mile was close to 6 flat pace. 3rd mile split of 5:48 then :33 second last .10th of a mile for a 18:04 finish time and second Furry 5K OA win in as many years.

Andy J finishes second with a sub 18:30 time. He is getting faster; just has to stay healthy.

Don't yet have the official finishing times but probably 6-8 people under 21 min today. Laura S runs 20:46 for a post-kid PR on a pretty tough course. Nice finish.

Legs felt a little heavy today but I did mow for almost 3 hours last night after getting off work. Glad I didn't have to push it the final .60 miles of the course.

Put another trophy on the ying part of the CBEM wall. Looking for some yang hardware soon from the co-founder. The smart CBEM member took the weekend off from racing.

Age-grade result: 18:04 = 16:11

Age performance % = 79.71%

* Today's total put my YTD mileage over the 900 mile mark.



Great discipline on the first mile w/ hills. I would take that mile anytime during a 5K. Congrats on yet another 5K win and the 900 mile mark for the year. You seem to be surrounded by great people to run with.


Thanks Craig.

The guy I train with on Sunday's and race with most of the time is great and motivates me to keep working. There are a lot of good runners in this area also.