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8:00 AM

5 km


5:49 mi


63 F
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30th annual running of Jour De Fete 5K race. Second time I have run the race. Came up 2 years ago with Bram and Schmitz and we swept the 45-49 age group. Expecting the same today with myself, Joe W and Schmitz....hoping for the SE MO sweep anyway.

Beautiful day to run and the coolest racing day since the Chaffee Feb race. Not sure how many are here but Cape Running group is well represented with Joe W, Ron and Jessica R, Andy J, Steve and Ashley Schmittzehe, Chell Jannin.

They have changed the start and finish areas but 80% of the old course is the same. Garmin distance = 3.11. Others have 3.12-3.15 so the course is accurate.

Standing at the starting line and chatting with Colton Woolridge, former Farmington XC/track stud and current teammate of Eric S at MOSO. He is out for a training run. Also next to Nick Klein, ST Gen Valley's #1 XC guy and all-stater. He is wanting to run a low 18 but will peel off prior to finish as they are "in-season". The guy I project to win is the young guy with the Big River Running blue shirt which means he is on their elite, open team.... don't remember his name but have seen him at other StL events and think he was at the XC Kickoff last week.

The original plan was to go out slower than last JDF and finish stronger on the 3rd mile hill. As we take off and are running downhill for approx the first .40 miles I pretty much blow that plan. Running along with Klein and watching BR boy, CW and a young kid pulling away. Expect to catch the youngster at some point. Know we are running at a pretty good clip.

First mile at 5:29. Damage is done and going to try to hang on. At the 1.5 mile mark begin to feel "heavy" and feel like already hitting the wall. Trying not to fall off the pace too badly but can feel the monkey on my back. Pretty early for that feeling but that is what a sub 5:30 initial mile does to me. Gut out the second mile and splits of 5:39 and 11:08 elapsed at the 2 mile mark. Klein has fallen back about 15 seconds but I am dying a hard death at the 2.2 mile mark as we start to go up the hill.

I look up the hill and see the following: The youngster has pulled even with CW as CW has let the leader go by himself. I am wondering why as I know CW can run a sub-16 5K. Later find out he was having "gut" issues. Go up the hill and know I am well over 6 min pace but for some reason don't really care. Wondering if anyone is going to catch me from behind but dont look back until we turn right into the park for the final .25 miles. Take a peek: No one close to me and finally get some level ground so decide to quit being a pussy and at least finish it up somewhat hard. Begin to pick it up and see the clock at 17:48 as I begin the final small incline. Cross the line at 18:02-18:03 mark. 3rd mile = 6:19 (ouch) with elapsed 3 mile time of 17:27. Last .11 miles in 35 seconds for 5:20 finishing pace.

They call it 18:02 on the finishers sheet but will wait to see the final results posted on roadrunners site. 4th OA in a race which was really a tactical failure from the start.... However, not going to bitch because I was hoping to run 18 flat and be in top 3 OA. Considering everything and lack of proper 5K race taper, not bad. Winner runs 16:22. Woolridge finishes 2nd and The Kid, an 8th grader in st. gen, runs a 17:27. The Kid is impressive.

Cape running group takes 4 of top 10 places and Ashley Schmitz blows the ladies field out of the water for another OA win. Good day and we all go out to eat following the awards ceremony. Expecting to get some quality training weeks in the bank prior to the Coors Light Tri run and City of Roses 5K races in mid-September. Also looking forward to some cooler mornings.
