Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 AM

6.9 mi


8:04 mi


57 F
  • Map


Nasty, wet morning. Bram and Marc Thomas under the picnic area. Raining and lightening strikes throughout the trip up to Cape. Marc decides to leave after about 45 min. CBEM members wanting to salvage something out of the morning. Decide to go and end up running city streets as the Osage trail is very wet.

Lightening during last half of run cuts it short but good enough.

Runners vs. joggers.... Didn't see a single person out running in 55 min this morning. Contenders vs pretenders, separating the men from the boys. Training vs jogging.

Legs feel good today and planning on swimming this afternoon. Have a plan set up for next 4 wks leading up the the 23 Oct 5K race.
