Run: Race Previous Next


2:00 PM

5 km


5:50 mi


138 lb


67 F

Race Result

4 / 224 (1.8%)
1 / 15 (6.7%)
4 / 106 (3.8%)


Mile splits: 5:35/ 5:48/ 6:04/ :36 for last .11 mile for 18:07 finish. Fourth OA. Garmin reads 3.11 miles - course right on.

Bryan K, Bruce N, and Taylor V ahead of me and DM, Bram and A-wad in that order for the top 7 placers.

Bryan took out fast and never looked back. Ran very strong. Bruce got out at 5:35 first mile then must have maintained around 5:25 pace throughout rest of race. Taylor caught me at the 2.4 mile mark and blew by me; No way I was maintaining his pace and he finished strong. DM ran around an 18:30 while running with a hernia --- that is unbelievable. Now see if he pays his wager. ? .

Bram finishes in 18:40 and Toni said he looked strong coming in. He ran a smart race and ran fairly even miles.
