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7:00 AM

13.1 mi


6:11 mi


51 F
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About 175 people on the line for the 2013 running of the COR Half marathon. New course this year and expect it to be the course for awhile as the city doesn't want/wont let them run it in the town. A-holes... However, I quickly digress.

I know many of the today's field but there are a few unknowns. I do know that none of the elite 30-under guys who can consistently drop a 1:14-1:18 HM are in the crowd. Coach Lane was planning on running but got in late last night from a recruiting visit and is watching instead of winning. Good for me. I am watching a guy from up north, CZ,as he is a frequent participant to this race. He waxed me a few years ago on the old HM course but today is a new day and I think (I know) I am in better HM shape for this one. Just finished a 16 week training plan and have got a good taper in. Plus, I know what is in store during the middle 4.3 miles of this course and think he probably doesn't.

I line up near the inside of the front row and shoot the breeze with AJ, "The Force" and Doug A prior to the start of the race. Don't know where CZ is situated but do know he is in the field. Find him quickly after the gun goes off as he dashes into the lead. AJ moves quickly into 2nd place and I tuck into 3rd and work on relaxing. 1/3 of a mile into the race I look at my garmin; I am on 6:10 pace, it feels like we are crawling, and CZ is already about 10 sec up on the front 4 guys. I refuse to get sucked into going any faster and decide to keep the first mile around 6:15. The weather is daring us to bolt out too fast but I wont go. First mile in 6:12 and realize CZ has just dropped a 5:55 first mile; I smile. AJ is in 2nd place, about 4-5 seconds up and I can hear someone right behind me. We come to Walden subdivision and have our first "hill". Still running about 6:10- pace and relax as moving up the hill as the second half of that mile is downhill. Come to the 2 mile mark at 12:18 elapsed for a 6:06 second mile. The leader is still about 15 seconds up but I have pulled up to AJ and pass him just before the 2 mile mark. Not sure but think he pulled back after looking at hot pace nearing 2 mile mark.

Pretty hot start but I have already decided I am going to keep the pressure on CZ and not let him off the hook from his fast first mile by slowing enough to allow him to recover. I will take the consequences of staying on the gas early on and find out by mile 8-9 what my LT threshold really is. Mile 3 = 6:07 for a 18:25 elapsed and I am now about 8 seconds behind. As we go down the hill past JC golf course I could blow by him but decide to stay back a little longer. Pull up beside him right at 4 mile mark and run together for about 80m. He turns and says, "I think I went out too fast on my first mile". I replied, "I think you did too" and decided this was a good time to part company.

Take the lead just after mile 4 for good. 4th mile = 6:15. Come to mile 5 in 30:49 elapsed and 6:09 mile. Hills about a quarter mile ahead. Time to separate the men from the boys.

Mile 6 through 9 in 6:03/6:23/6:00/6:24. Come to top of last "hill at 9.3 miles in pretty decent shape. Went through the hills fast but slowed enough on 2 of 4 of the miles not to put myself over the edge of LT too badly. Hit 10 mile mark in 1:01:51 and a 6:12 split. I can "feel" the win and it is time to put this race away.

Mile 11 in 6:08 as I come up to the Aslinger Foundation water stop. Lots of yelling and cheering and Joe W hands me a bottle of water. Mile 12 involved climbing the inside incline on Walden subdivision. Not real steep or long but makes you hurt at that point in the race. Mile 12 = 6:18. Start chatting with Roxanne Magnus about 11.7 miles into the race as she has been one of the lead cyclists during the race and tell her I expect AJ to finish second today. Mile 13 = 6:14 and 1:20:31 elapsed. Last .12 miles in 34 seconds for just under a 5 flat finish. Clock turns over to 1:21:00 as I am closing and finish at 1:21:05 for the win and PR at that distance

Received a very nice plaque and never, ever expected would win an OA title in a HM race at the age of 48+. I will take it and move on. Today I was the fastest by being the smartest...

Mile splits: 6:12/6:06/6:07/6:15/6:09/6:03/6:23/6:00/6:24/6:12/6:08/6:18/6:14/:34

3 mile splits as the race progressed

1 thru 3 - 18:25; 4 thru 6 - 18:27; 7 thru 9 - 18:47; 10 thru 12 - 18:38; last 1.12 miles - 6:48

Mile splits: range of 6:00 to 6:24; First time that all 13 mile splits have been below 6:30

6:00-6:10 = 6

6:11-6:20 = 5

6:21-6:24 = 2

Age-graded result = 1:12:56

Age-graded performance = 81.10%. The first time I have ever been 80+ at this distance.

Bram takes second to Paul F, one of the local marathon men and 15 years younger than Bram. CBEM shines and both of us will take the times and move on. Very good day.



Piling up the 80%ers in 2013 at a lot of different distances.


Great race. Great preparation. As we age, we improve. Not too many athletes can say that in very many sports. Congrats to you and Bram.