Run: Marathon Pace Run Previous Next


8:11 AM

17.3 mi


6:55 mi


175 bpm


22 C
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I had a pretty awesome workout this morning. I did a double 8 mile zig-zag in my father's neighborhood then added a mile loop to the end to make it 17 miles. Normally I would have ran a 17 mile out and back run but today I had a chance to run with my cousin who was visiting so I took it. He's a good bit slower than me so we ran easy and together for the first 3 miles but he had some stomach problems and turned around and rushed home. He learned a valuable and painful lesson about not ordering the "Kill Bill" level hot wings for the first time the night before a run.

After we split I picked up the pace and ran GA effort for the next 5 miles then stopped for water at the house and went out for the second zig-zag but this time at marathon effort. I had a hard time getting my HR to marathon effort but the hills helped a bit but once I got there I still had a hard time keeping it there as my legs weren't all that willing to co-operate. I still felt sluggish and my pace is still not where I'd like it to be but since I haven't really done anything this vigorous in a while I'm just glad I managed to fight through it. After the 7 miles of marathon effort I shut it down and jogged 2 more miles to get to 17 miles for the day. Tomorrow is a recovery day that I'm definitely looking forward.
