Run: Recovery Previous Next


8:01 AM

6.2 mi


8:18 mi


141 bpm


21 C
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Having to wipe your butt with leaves is never fun especially after already havign taken care of business pre-run. But this is what happens when you gorge yourself on all kinds of food while on vacation. Instead of doing my trusty zig-zag route I went out and back to the next town over but I forgot about the 200 ft climb to the mortuary which is not the best course for a recovery run. I went super slow today, slower than in a really long time but this is the signature of Pfitzinger programs. When you execute the quality runs with quality you simply have no energy left to run fast on recovery days. Today was such a day. I was just glad to have this run over and in the books. My knee feels a lot better today than yesterday but I'm not sure if the tempo segment will be happening on tomorrow's run. I have a PM recovery run scheduled for tonight and I'll see how my legs are after that.
