Run: Cool Down Previous Next


5:00 PM

4.5 mi

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<No name>


We cooled down out to the Gainey cross country course. The air was crisp and the sky was grey an bleak. I liked it. We trod across the damp earth, leaving new foot prints among the smattering of old ones left from the fall. It was bittersweet to back there again; a nostalgia trip of the legs. I remember all the hard work I've pounded into that grass. So many 1000m repeats, mile repeats, 800m repeats. So many cool downs with the boys, drenched in sweat and shorts dripping in perspiration. So many goofy smiles and lewd jokes. So many damp claps on the back after either a particularly good workout or a particularly lewd joke. As we turned back to the main campus it kind of felt like I was shutting the book on that chapter of my life, the chapter of grass, guts, and grit. The cross country syzygy. It was also a good feeling though too. William and Nathan were there, and they've only just opened that book. I wonder what they will write. I wonder what I've written for them.

It started to drizzle a little bit tonight, and it smelled like petrichor.
