Run: Workout B Previous Next


7:00 PM

7 mi


6:47 mi


152 lb



6 / 10
6 / 10
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My back was killing me all day today. I was going to do a double with my second run being a hill workout I decided against the workout after the I went to the doctor. The doctor told me I pulled a muscle in by back. I was only going to run 4 easy miles but my legs felt good. My back was bothering me quite a bit mainly it hurt when I started to breathe heavy or take deep breaths. Also it hurt if I made a sudden quick move. Really I should have taken the day off but im dumb. I ran 3 miles in the trails and decided to run the last 2 miles of the cross course a little hard. I didnt want to go to hard becuse of my back. My chest and back cramped up for a little while on the first mile so I just opened up my stride and relaxed. Miles were 5:50 and 5:43. Neither felt hard at all the only thing that bothered me was the cramping because my breathing was off. After I ran 2 miles and did 4 strides in my new racing flats hope this back thing goes away fast. Im going to take it day by day until this goes away.
