Swim: Breast Stroke Previous Next


2:04 PM

984 yd


3:37 / 100yd

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Basically after that long run, and the breakfast I stayed in my house for a tad bit, then I just went YOLO, and went swimming. I wasn't planning on much, and I was still kinda tired from that long run, so I just tried doing a few laps across the pool since I wasn't in much of a mood for anything else. As I started my trek to get in the pool, I realized how amateurish I look when trying to enter. The sequence starts with me kneeling beside the pool, feeling how cold the pool water is (just to mentally prepare myself) then I continue to kneel beside the pool, and I just stare at it... Don't ask me how long I stare at it, I never remember, but I just stare at the water thinking to myself that "this is silly, and no matter how cold the water is I'm still going to have to go in." After the sudden realization that I'm wasting time, I try to get in, but recoil at how cold the freaking deep end is. Then depending on how much in shock I am in, I either do the first few steps over again or I just slowly dip myself into the water, my head usually staring up from the cold and being rather stiff because that's all I can do at this point. Once my torso is in, and my feet are touching the ground, I start bobbing up and down, and repeating to myself, "why do they feel the need to make the deep end cold" until I gain my warmth and I can finally use my body again. Once my body isn't hijacked by the cold, the biggest task so far must occur. I must dip my head into the water and go on with my life. At this point, a good 10 minutes is wasted at this ritual, and one would think that simply dipping my head into the water would be easy enough after ALL that I've gone through. But of course, I wouldn't be typing about this if it was such an easy task. I first sort of bait myself into doing a half bob, where I jump up right before I get submerged into the water, then I stare at the evil cold water for making me suffer. After a good 30 seconds, I realize how cowardly this is and I say YOLO once again and sort of trust fall into the water. Now that you know my very long unnecessary ritual before actually swimming, we can continue with what I did today. I swam for 30-ish minutes because I couldn't find the power in myself to actually do some sort of workout after all that I've done today. Plus I got a blister on my foot that hurt every time I did anything but breaststroke, so I compromised and only did breaststroke today while swimming rather peacefully. A sudden thought came to my head while swimming that I may not really ever know or will ever solve. I don't really know how I look when swimming. Do I look like a hyperactive ferret on a can of monster? Or do I look like an actual swimmer that know's what he's doing? Probably the hyperactive ferret. Now that I think about it, that was really the only significant thought I had when I was swimming, other than... ouch this blister hurts, and ouch I need to continue swimming for just a little more. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk, I'm probably gonna fall asleep at any point now from all of the stuff I've done today, plus swimming gives me that effect. BBBYyyeeeee...
