Swim: Aqua Jogging Previous Next


4:11 AM

383 yd


2:57 / 100yd

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Whoa... I'm in a whole new world with this. *Queue in Alladin* I've wanted to mess around with swimming, and recently I've had a hard time with breathing and running in general, so I guess I want to try swimming as well and see where that takes me... As soon as I dived into the pool I realized that I didn't have a clue of what I was doing. I know that swimming, in general, is pretty good I guess, but I wanted to make a plan that would help me as a runner for the best. for this log, I aqua jogged because that is one thing I do know how to do (I think). After a bit of that, I went into doing a bit of freestyle, but instead of breathing every other stroke, I breathed 4 strokes or something like that. I just read that it would help in the running world. Sadly I realized after that I didn't turn on my watch to record my freestyle swimming, so that won't be recorded. I don't know much of what I'm doing, so any advice would be appreciated, that goes for all of my swimming logs.



I think Olivia would be a great person to ask


Join the group aqua jog gang 🤘🏿 And why the hell justice texting at 4 Am go to sleep


Sounds like a plan, I've always wanted to join a gang anyway.


It wasn’t 4am it was like 1am, the timer on this website sometimes tweaks.

Olivia R

lmao you guys are hilarious, anyway Sam I post a lot of swimming workouts in my log so if you ever want to just copy one of those or you want me to go to the pool with you sometime then that can happen!


Cool beans, sounds easy enough.