Swim: Breast Stroke Previous Next


4:25 PM

574 yd


3:35 / 100yd

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After my freestyle strokes with the variation in breathing (as stated in the last post), I did breaststroke and breathed in the same way as when I did freestyle. I did feel a difference in my breaths after doing it for a while, and it slowly seemed easier as time progressed so I'm hoping I'm doing something right. I suppose swimming, in general, is helpful. Oh, and I plan on swimming every other day during the summer, just to get a bit of a pattern going on. Once again feel free to drop some advice... help.

*Update* after the laps, I went to the edge of the pool and just kicked for a bit, I was told that that was helpful as well. I plan on swimming for a longer period of time, but for now, I'm happy with this.
