Run: Long Previous Next


6:29 AM

10.8 mi


7:17 mi


I decided to get in a pretty good long run before I have to leave tomorrow, and will probably not be able to run because of a mixture of jet lag, and getting back to Urbana a little too late to run. But OH BOY was that a fun/ lonely run. Running this long run by myself was a bit lonely, but great to have all my thoughts to myself... Because of that, I don't really remember much of what happened around me, but the route I took was basically a glorified straight path. I do remember that there was a field filled with a bunch of MoOsE (Cow) and last time I ran this path, there was this person who sang really loudly in a microphone... so I guess Oprah and this time around SHE WAS STILL THERE! So that was cool, it jogged my memory (pun not intended) from last time I was here. Oh! and I ran past this person, and she said to me "Are you running for speed?" and I replied with "Uhh no, for Cross Country" and her friend next to her said "OOOOOO", while she replied back once again with "Well I would straighten out your legs so you don't trip yourself" and that was the most woke moment of my life. I said thanks after, but I was really just thinking about if my leg posture was always like this. So the rest of the time I ran, I just thought about that whole interaction, and if my legs were really thought obviously clumsy.


Jacob Barker

Quick. Glad you had fun. Also MOOSE


I think I lost a couple brain cells reading this but good job man keep up the good work