Run: Easy Previous Next


6:25 PM

4 mi


8:28 mi


133 lb
56 bpm


68 F
  • Map

<No name>


Felt effortless on that 4 mile run. I'm really getting a good feeling about this training and the paces I am able to hold right now. I was wrong however about training at course record. I would have to run 8:01 mile splits to get the course record, the pace I am training at is 2 seconds slower per mile than what Jeff Powers ran to win the race last year. Overall I feel very confident with my training, the only thing will be the necessary hill and trail training to come soon. I'm taking my 10 mile run tomorrow out on the roads and hills around my house. Try to get a good hill run in, it will have to be a early morning run if I want to complete it during the daylight.
