Run: Easy Previous Next


10:18 AM

15 mi


11:46 mi


Vibram Bikila


147 lb
146 bpm
169 bpm
60 bpm


85 F
  • Map

<No name>


Felt good through most of the run, but just around 13 miles I started to really labor a lot more. I had originally planned on a 30 miler today but managed to at least get in half of my miles on the long run this week. It was ambitious to reach for 30 miles today. I did however decide on a name for the loop that would have taken me the entire way. Since it is 6mi. to get there 6 loops of the lake, and another 6 miles back, it is called Devils Run. I could feel the heat pulsating on me as I was running through the harvested field and along the dyke. It really was a brutally hot run. I think the heat plus the combination of carrying another two 21oz water bottle belt filled with energy gels was a lot of extra weight to be carrying around. I definitely won't be carrying that much stuff during the race but really need get together a crew team to follow me around when I have these long runs.
