Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:50 PM

6.3 mi


8:08 mi


171.8 lb
153 bpm
163 bpm


44 F
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The plan was 3 x (2@sub 7:45 with 90 second jog).

With about 1/2 mile left on the second interval, I felt like I was struggling to keep the pace and never got under 7:45 again. And on the 3rd set, I felt I was struggling, so took a 90 second jog between the two miles.

But the heart rate is revealing. I clearly didn't put in the same effort as I did last Tuesday when I reached a max heart rate of 173 where today the max was 163 and that was on the first set.

Maybe the cooler temperatures cause me to stiffen some and not open up. It was about 6 degrees warmer on the 3-2-1 miles last Tuesday.

I may need to watch the heart rate on my tempo intervals and make sure I get to a higher rate. If I'm not hitting the pace, I certainly should push past a heart rate of 158-159.
