Bike: Easy Ride Previous Next


4:03 PM

8.1 mi


12.2 mi / hr


71 F


6 / 10
7 / 10
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Well, I caved...I switched back to my toe clip pedals after nearly getting hit by a car. A driver pulled out in front of me and I had to stop quickly to avoid hitting him. It was at a bottom of a hill and I couldn't get out of my clipless pedals in time so I ended up loosing control, hitting the curb and down I went. Then as I tried to get going up the hill, I realized I was in a too hard of gear to actually get any momentum so once again, found myself panicked and unable to get of my pedals in time and down I went...again.

I seriously had enough at that point so I turned around, went back home and decided these clipless pedals have got to go or I'm going to start hate riding! So I put my toe clip pedals back on and off I went. It was like a huge relief was lifted immediately! I felt so much more comfortable, relaxed and most importantly safer! I felt like I was in control of my bike rather than it being in control of me and had a wonderful and enjoyable bike ride!
