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4:15 AM

9.1 mi


7:33 mi


157 bpm
173 bpm


74 F
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3x10 minutes 2:1 work/rest

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2 PMs at 8 and glory be, hallelujah!!!! - SLEPT THE WHOLE NITE THRU

74, 95% (omfg) - can't believe it was already a week ago i was waking up in PA and it was a glorious 50 degrees

Warm up 10 min @ 3-5 RPE

2 x Hard 30 sec @ 9 RPE w/ Easy 2 min @ 4-6 RPE

5 min @ 4-6 RPE

10 min @ 8-9 RPE

5 min @ 4 RPE

10 min @ 8-9 RPE

5 min @ 4 RPE

10 min @ 8-9 RPE

Cool down 10 min @ 3-5 RPE

run portion totaled 36 mins, 5.23 miles, 6:53 ave

felt great until right after last 10 min tempo split, for some reason, legs turned to lead pillars right after :(

calf sleeves + compression socks - no twinges anywhere

v02m 60

0 cpm
