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4:15 AM

10.2 mi


7:40 mi


147 bpm
161 bpm


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3x12 minutes 2:1 work/rest

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2 PMs, slept til just before alarm at 345

70, 91%

10 min wu @ 3-5 RPE

2 x 30 sec @ 9 RPE w/ 2 min recovs @ 4-6 RPE

5 min @ 4-6 RPE

12 min @ 8-9 RPE

6 min @ 4 RPE

12 min @ 8-9 RPE

6 min @ 4 RPE

12 min @ 8-9 RPE

10 min cd @ 3-5 RPE

run portion totaled 42 mins, 5.85 miles, 7:11 ave

felt good, not sure why pace dropped off so drastically on last 12 mins except that a bunch of it was slightly uphill - oh well

vo2m 60

0 cpm
