Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #31 (Read 33 times)


Super B****

    5 draggy miles (but cracked 200 for the month).

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning! ServPro painted some of the wood inside the house, sigh, so I've been coughing all night. I also heard poor Rubio crying a couple of times from the pain last night. It was heart breaking. I'm going call the vet and see if I can bring him in for another pain injection tonight or tomorrow morning or to give me some pain meds.


      I have 7 tonight.



      delicate flower

        'Morning!  I didn't sleep well last night (it happens!) so I did not wake up for a run this morning, which is just as well because I had some intestinals that would have made a run miserable.  I'm feeling fine now though.  Will run tonight!



          Morning. Picked up the pace a little on my commute this morning, and did strides at the end for the second day in a row (pickups, but I call them strides just like I call fartleks intervals, because it's the same thing to me). I need to focus on what works, and forget what doesn't.

            Rest day, warmup in hot tub, 20 min gutter walk.


            UM 45 Ohio 23

              7.1 easy ones. Another pretty mild day at 30 degrees with no wind.  Roads nice and clean and even the sidewalks are mostly clear; not bad for January 31!  Forecast calls for mid 40s on Monday...


              Blue - another 200 mile month; way to go!

              DR - hope Rubio gets better and the paint stops smelling

              LRB - where are you? Hope everything is ok


              All - have a good Friday/last day of January!


                7.1 easy ones. Another pretty mild day at 30 degrees with no wind.  Roads nice and clean and even the sidewalks are mostly clear; not bad for January 31! 


                Cold here, single digits with a windchill below 0, but the sidewalks are mostly clear. They managed to clean them just before temps started dropping. They're not always this successful.


                Not bad for Jan 31st, indeed!



                  Cold here, single digits with a windchill below 0, but the sidewalks are mostly clear. They managed to clean them just before temps started dropping. They're not always this successful.


                  Not bad for Jan 31st, indeed!


                  We have had a very mild winter here with temps in the 30's for most of the month.  Day #10 of no sun though.  But we are supposed to hit 50 on Sunday 


                    LRB - where are you? Hope everything is ok




                      We have had a very mild winter here with temps in the 30's for most of the month.  Day #10 of no sun though.  But we are supposed to hit 50 on Sunday 


                      We've been having similar weather (just a few degrees cooler); it's crazy town!



                        LRB - where are you? Hope everything is ok






                        Also, HC, hope you are having milder flu symptoms, and are able to rest/hydrate. This one seems like it's been a doozy. My daughter had influenza in December, and with Tamiflu she was feeling significantly better within 3 days.


                          Morning. Picked up the pace a little on my commute this morning, and did strides at the end for the second day in a row (pickups, but I call them strides just like I call fartleks intervals, because it's the same thing to me). I need to focus on what works, and forget what doesn't.


                          For me, pickups are short bursts of speed (like 30s) surrounded by easy pace. Strides have full recovery between so each stride is one minute, where I'm running fast for the first ~15s then walking the other 45s.


                          I also use fartlek and interval interchangeably. Seems like interval would be organized (7 x 2 min) vs fartlek is less so, like what I do with my son (run fast to the next tree).


                            I did not get up to run. WHO AM I?


                            It was 50/50 chance that DS might be home sick today after how he was feeling last night. So I rolled the dice and didn't get up to run (because if I have to be home all day with him, I'd much rather run during daylight). He was fine so off to school. I may run after work, I may not. Even with my current relaxed approach to training, I'll still hit ~180 miles for the month. 5K on Sunday, creatively titled The Big Game 5k.


                            Super B****

                              Remember I was trying to decide between two different shoe colors... oh, about a month ago?? Finally got them yesterday. And RRS sent the wrong one. So now I have to send those back, and then wait for them to send the ones I actually ordered, which will probably take another month.

                              Guess I'm not wearing them for the HM on Sunday.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                For me, pickups are short bursts of speed (like 30s) surrounded by easy pace. Strides have full recovery between so each stride is one minute, where I'm running fast for the first ~15s then walking the other 45s.


                                I also use fartlek and interval interchangeably. Seems like interval would be organized (7 x 2 min) vs fartlek is less so, like what I do with my son (run fast to the next tree).


                                The way I do pickups or strides is the same, except that for strides, I job back to the starting point, and for pickups I keep going forward. I never walk when I run, not for strides, not for hills... I always jog. The pace of the jog does not matter, but no walking for me. Not saying walking is bad, just stating what I do.

                                So for both pickups and strides I accelerate for like 2 seconds, and then count "Thou-Sand-1, Thou-Sand-2, Thou-Sand-3, ... up to 15, then decelerate for 2 seconds and press lap. Since at 180 steps per minute it takes three steps for 1 second, the way I count is pretty much 15 seconds + accel and decel 18-20 seconds.

                                Then I jog as slow and for as long as I feel or need (if there's an ice spot or a street corner coming up, I'll wait until after the obstacle) before doing another.


                                The idea is simply to stimulate the neuro-muscular system into running faster without the fatigue usually associated to running that fast. To me, however you do them, as long as that goal is reached you're doing it right.