Ultra Runners

May 2018 Ultramarathon thread (Read 35 times)

    RWD, nice job on the 25k!  Woohoo on beating your goal by a lot.


    Funky, yeah you gotta be patient and let yourself heal.  Easier said than done, I know...  It's okay to be a baby, complain, rant, whine, whatever you need to do... as long as you take it easy physically.    I had a surgical procedure last fall and it took weeks before I felt "normal."  (Then I got bronchitis, and had to take several more weeks off, but that's a different story.)


    TM Hound, that's a lot of stairs!  Tapering is such an individual thing.  Two weeks is plenty for me (but maybe that's because I'm old... )


    My week: 43 miles, 1920' elevation gain.  Traveling to Maine to meet friends for a 50k next weekend.  Looking forward to a fun weekend.

    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



      RWD awesome race report.  I do like the 25k distance even though I keep plugging away at the 50k.  Sounds like your nutrition and pacing were spot on.  Congratulation on your time.


      I lost my rama

        RWD - Congrats on your race and crushing your goal!  Really enjoyed reading your RR.  Too funny singing "99 Bottles of Beer" on that hill.  Seems like it worked, so it's something I'll keep in my back pocket.  You sounded very strong on the final miles.  Rest well!  Also, there will always be folks who can bang out races on minimal training.  I think you reward yourself more from the hard work and training vs raw talent.  Hope he doesn't annoy you too much.


        fnky - Sorry to hear recovery isn't going so well.  Hopefully you can turn the corner soon.  Thanks on my race and family stuff.  The big reason for picking the 24 format was to be able to address high mileage issues (blisters, chaffing, etc) early as our camp was right next to the course (1.43 mile loop).  I would definitely do another timed raced, but I think a point-to-point or single loop 100K is on my radar.  I like the badger, btw.


        TH - Nice training week!   Those are a lot of stairs.... higher than climbing the stairs of the Empire State Building.  What kind of snakes are in your neck of the woods?


        Gatsby - Looking forward to your next race!  Wow, travelling across the country too.


        I got 31 miles in last week and the legs feel fine.  I'm thinking of going back into full training mode, but I don't have a race planned yet.  I'm on a wait list for a local 100K on 6/23.  There's also a local 30 hour race on 6/30 where I can hope to redeem myself and shoot for 85 in 24 hours.  But there's a 100 buckle to be had for the 30 hour race.  Interesting dilemma.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


          Nice job on the race RWD.


          I'm behind on posting my weeks and getting a report up for my R2R2R, but I'll get it up eventually.


          Here was my week:


          Monday - 5 easy TM miles with 20 minutes at 15% incline

          Tuesday - 10 TM miles with 8 progression from 8.0-9.6 MPH

          Wednesday - 6 miles on trails, 1230 ft gain

          Thursday AM - 10 miles on trails with 2x20 minutes hard (4 min jog), 1630 ft gain

          Thursday PM - 4.5 TM with 1 mile at 10% incline

          Friday - 15 miles in the dark (practicing night running, started at 8:00 PM), 2900 ft gain

          Saturday - URD - Was going to run in the afternoon, then found out my daughter had a swim meet, and then we had a block party on our street.

          Sunday - 25 miles trails - 4675 ft gain


          Total - 75 miles, 10300 ft gain, 8850 descent (subtract out TM gain)


          Less than 5 weeks to WS.


            Congrats on the PR, RWD!

            T Hound

            Slower but happier

              Somebody tell me how to post pictures here ( i tried like 10 times)  and i can show u tge snake i almost stepped on.  We think its a fox snake.  Though i thought maybe a python. 😀.

              2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                Somebody tell me how to post pictures here ( i tried like 10 times)  and i can show u tge snake i almost stepped on.  We think its a fox snake.  Though i thought maybe a python. 😀.



                The photo has to be posted somewhere else first (like FB or photobucket).  Right click on the pic (or control + click on a Mac), go to "copy image address."  Open a new post here, open the photo icon in the tool bar above your post, and paste the image address there, where it says "source".

                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                I lost my rama

                  Somebody tell me how to post pictures here ( i tried like 10 times)  and i can show u tge snake i almost stepped on.  We think its a fox snake.  Though i thought maybe a python. 😀.


                  I use Imjur to share photos.  And I definitely want to see this snake!

                  3/17 - NYC Half

                  4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                  6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                  8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                    Me too.  I had a Burmese python a few years ago that died one year we lost power for a week during an ice storm.  Snakes don't bother me but I absolutely hate spiders.



                      A quick check in before heading to the Grand Canyon.


                      22 miles for the week.  Short and easy runs with the exception of a 5k time trial.  Was just going to do 1 fast mile, felt good extended to two, then made it a 5k.  sub 22, so happy with that.


                      Gatsby, RWD, and Krash.  Congrats on your races.


                      Treadmill and Paul - nice weeks.


                      Fnkyhd - hope your recovery goes better.


                      Berto - congrats on your race.  Enjoyed the report.


                      Discussion - Post Race blues.  Sounds like Krash went through it.  I am a little low with no races on the schedule soon.  Are they worse with a race that you wish would have gone better, or worse with a race that went so well you know you will never match or exceed that performance?  I guess changing up the goals and working on something different is a good remedy.

                      12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                      2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                      4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                      5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



                      T Hound

                      Slower but happier


                        I use Imjur to share photos.  And I definitely want to see this snake!

                        I put it on imgur but i cant get it to link in or post here.  Maybe its a phone thing?

                        2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block



                        I lost my rama

                          I put it on imgur but i cant get it to link in or post here.  Maybe its a phone thing?


                          Click on the image in Imjur so it fills the screen.  Then right click on the image, and select "Copy image address" (see below).  Then paste the image address when inserting the image in your post.  If the address doesn't paste correctly, you may need to reload the Imjur page.


                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

                          T Hound

                          Slower but happier


                            Discussion - Post Race blues.  Sounds like Krash went through it.  I am a little low with no races on the schedule soon.  Are they worse with a race that you wish would have gone better, or worse with a race that went so well you know you will never match or exceed that performance?  I guess changing up the goals and working on something different is a good remedy.


                            Thats how i feel about 1/2 marathon i dont want to spoil the memory of a great race that went well for me.  And with marathon i dont want to put effort and injury risk in for some mediocre performance.  So watching my training paces for now.


                            I have prerace blues too, feeling guilty with all this time running and all the things ive put off. I say this is it after this next race i am going to give it a rest for awhile.   But then after a few weeks im right back at it.  I am not registered for anything past Kettle 6/2 so kinda similar boat.  Im going to (hopefully ) take Jun-July easy and unstructured.  Its hot anyway so runs are slogs mostly.

                            2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                            T Hound

                            Slower but happier

                              Fox Snake

                              2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block


                              T Hound

                              Slower but happier

                                2020 goal:  couch to 5K, currently working on the couch block