Run: 6:45 to 6:59 Previous Next


5:30 AM

10 mi


7:53 mi


154.5 lb


66 F


9 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Took my IPOD so I could run alone at my own pace, but like an idiot, I took off with the A group and pushed pretty hard up President's Hill. I hung back a little after that, but still going too fast wth 26.2 miles on my legs in last 24 hours. By 4.5 I was spent and finally slowed a bit. Decided to hit trail at MLK then ran just past 4.0mm and back to Forum. Not a pleasant run, but it could have been. 842, 746, 751, 733, 735, 735, 753, 800, 803, 746

Last 100+ week- (Tuesday, 12 July 83')

"1) Ran with Max and Jeff. 7:00 to 7:30 pace. Course: Home to Stadium, out main to 3mm on Menefee and back to Stadium. Felt the worst I ever have and still made it back. Fatigued and cramps. Legs wanted to quit. 6:30am. 2) Ran with Mark, Eric and Max for 2 of the 7. Course- Home to Stadium, 1/2 mile on track to school to 16th to Grand, to Clinton to home. 7 miles 6:30pm. Temp 92. Felt OK (hot). Good run. Sleep last night- 8 hours." Total for week at end of Tuesday: 30
